Lincoln - 20030345

Location: Wellston, Oklahoma
Color: Orange and White
Birthdate: January 18, 2010 - Actual
Age: 14 Year, 9 Month
Gender: Neutered Male
Altered Date: June 15, 2010

  • House Broken
  • Crate Trained
  • OK with Dogs
  • Needs Fenced in Yard


Dog Story: For being a pup Lincoln is well behaved and on the way to being a wonderful adult. This little French Brittany pup is nearly six months old and has learned a lot in a short period of time. Actually being a pup everyday is a training day, they just don’t realize that. Lincoln comes when called, sits when told, plays nicely with the other fosters here where he lives. Is great around children, housetraining is done, as well as crate training. This young lad can walk on a leash and has a Brittany sense of adventure. He loves to chase the birds in the yard, then knows how to come in to settle down in the house as well. He rides in the car nicely, takes treats softly, and we are working at not jumping up on people. Lincoln does have a tail and dew claws, is fully vetted and is ready for a new home. His heartworm prevention is already started and his neutering is done. All we need is for someone to adopt this little baby and give him a loving home. He was found as a stray in Oklahoma, a wonderful person took him in and looked for his owners. When no one could be located they contacted us

Lincoln - 20030345

Location: Wellston, Oklahoma
Color: Orange and White
Birthdate: January 18, 2010 - Actual
Age: 14 Year, 9 Month
Gender: Neutered Male
Altered Date: June 15, 2010

  • House Broken
  • Crate Trained
  • OK with Dogs
  • Needs Fenced in Yard


Dog Story: For being a pup Lincoln is well behaved and on the way to being a wonderful adult. This little French Brittany pup is nearly six months old and has learned a lot in a short period of time. Actually being a pup everyday is a training day, they just don’t realize that. Lincoln comes when called, sits when told, plays nicely with the other fosters here where he lives. Is great around children, housetraining is done, as well as crate training. This young lad can walk on a leash and has a Brittany sense of adventure. He loves to chase the birds in the yard, then knows how to come in to settle down in the house as well. He rides in the car nicely, takes treats softly, and we are working at not jumping up on people. Lincoln does have a tail and dew claws, is fully vetted and is ready for a new home. His heartworm prevention is already started and his neutering is done. All we need is for someone to adopt this little baby and give him a loving home. He was found as a stray in Oklahoma, a wonderful person took him in and looked for his owners. When no one could be located they contacted us