
Derrick is doing awesome! We love him so much. Derrick arrived in the United States as our foster in March. He was a scared boy who didn’t trust people. His world changed quickly when he arrived at our house. He gained a big yard filled with squirrels to chase and two Brittany sisters. He also gained a human sister. Derrick loves to sleep in humans sisters bed every night. Derrick bonded with the family very quickly and fell right at home. This foster family loved him so much they just couldn’t let him go. He is our foster fail and we officially adopted him. He loves going on a run every morning with human mom. Enjoys going on family outings, trips to the dog park, chasing squirrels, watching soccer games and track meets,

playing with his tennis balls and napping with the family. He had a fun day at the beach with his human sister on senior skip day. His summer plans are lots of hiking, swimming, and camping. He will be going to Canada for a visit and can’t wait to see all the sites with the family. He hopes that in the future another Brittany from Spain will come along to be a foster so he can help them find a great home like he got. We can’t imagine not having Derrick as part of our family.

We have been so blessed and honored to be fosters for a few of the Brittany’s from Spain.  It is always hard when they go to their forever home but feels good when you know they will live happily ever after.
Ann, Eric and Emily, Eugene, Oregon